Dried Milky Oats, Oatstraw, and Yarrow for sale.

We are now selling dried milky oats tops, oatstraw, and yarrow.

milky Oats tops, harvested during the milky stage and dried in screens are $24.00 a pound. It is a labor intensive harvest and timing is critical.

We grew the oats ourselves on our farm here in Beaverdam. Avena Sativa is a soothing nervine that is supportive for folks dealing with stress and anxiety.

Oatstraw is $13.00 a pound and wonderful to add into any tea blend. 

We harvested the yarrow from our family’s field in Hanover when it was about to be bush hogged. So it is wild harvested, but ethically. Achillea Millefolium is a wonderful bitter plant that can be used topically or internally. It is said that Achilles and his soldiers used Yarrow to treat wounds, and that soldiers in the Civil War carried the dried leaves in pouches to apply to wounds as well.

The yarrow is $12.00 a pound. 

Please send us an email to place an order -mokarnage@gmail.com

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