Skin salve for sale

If you have dry, cracking, peeling skin – whether it be from callouses, washing dishes, outdoor work, carpentry or whatever I have to recommend you try a skin salve I have made. The fewer ingredients the fewer potential you will have for issues. I do not use petroleum based ingredients in any of my products. All ingredients are easily pronounced! Except perhaps the Latin names for the plants. Mine has: chickweed oil, calendula oil, yarrow oil, goldenrod oil, coconut oil and beeswax. All oils made with high quality extra virgin olive oil. $7.50 for a 1 ounce tin, $15 for a 2 ounce tin

Dried Milky Oats, Oatstraw, and Yarrow for sale.

We are now selling dried milky oats tops, oatstraw, and yarrow.

milky Oats tops, harvested during the milky stage and dried in screens are $24.00 a pound. It is a labor intensive harvest and timing is critical.

We grew the oats ourselves on our farm here in Beaverdam. Avena Sativa is a soothing nervine that is supportive for folks dealing with stress and anxiety.

Oatstraw is $13.00 a pound and wonderful to add into any tea blend. 

We harvested the yarrow from our family’s field in Hanover when it was about to be bush hogged. So it is wild harvested, but ethically. Achillea Millefolium is a wonderful bitter plant that can be used topically or internally. It is said that Achilles and his soldiers used Yarrow to treat wounds, and that soldiers in the Civil War carried the dried leaves in pouches to apply to wounds as well.

The yarrow is $12.00 a pound. 

Please send us an email to place an order

For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Hanover Herbalism Guild Meeting

​The pre existing Hanover Herbalism Guild, we have found out IS still active, just hard to get in touch with. Their next meeting is this Monday June 19 at 6:30 pm at the Sycamore Tavern in Montpelier and is a potluck dinner. Bring a dish to share and let’s join forces!

We have a Hanover, VA Herbalism Cooperative page on facebook, please join it to hear about and cobtribute your own local herbalism events!!

Yarrow for Sale

​Hey Yall! We are also selling ethically wildcrafted yarrow. We are harvesting from a place of great abundance, and saving the plants from the bushhog. We are selling aerial parts for $10 a pound fresh and $12 a pound dried (dried not yet available). Please support a local farm and local herbalist! Yarrow is a great astringent, diaphoretic, tonic, and even sedative plant. Please email mokarnage @ if you want to buy yarrow

Milky Oats for Sale 6/11/17

Our Oats, Avena Sativa, are in their milky stage and ready to harvest. We have two large patches about 15 x 20 each. We will be tincturing fresh a bunch for ourselves. That is our preffered method for this plant. However we will also be drying the milky oats we do not tincture.

If you want to purchase fresh milky oats by the pound (we are still working out pricing) please email mokarnage @ or text 804 300-0023 asap!!!!! We anticipate starting the harvest tomorrow evening Sunday June 11. If you want to tincture your own fresh you would need to pickup Sunday evening or from us Monday in Churchill. 

Baby Butt and Body Balm

Making an herbal baby butt and body balm on this rainy day. Cause why would you put petroleum products on a baby?!?! 1/2 oz, 1oz, and 2oz tins to be available this Saturday at the Mineral Farmer’s Market and June 24 at the Ashland Farmer’s Market. 4 ingredients, no petroleum.