New plants!

One of our favorite things ever, being herbalists and farmers is of course new plants! Yesterday, in the rain, David planted 2 rose bushes, 2 elderberry bushes, 2 blueberry bushes, and 2 red passionflower plants!!! Aside from being great for pollinators, these plants are great to eat and make tea/tincture/syrup and other herbal treats from!!! We won’t likely harvest from these perennials this year, but will nurture them so they become strong and abundant enough for us to harvest from in years to come. Our farm practice isn’t one of instant gratification, but one of slow, mindful growth.

Dried Milky Oats, Oatstraw, and Yarrow for sale.

We are now selling dried milky oats tops, oatstraw, and yarrow.

milky Oats tops, harvested during the milky stage and dried in screens are $24.00 a pound. It is a labor intensive harvest and timing is critical.

We grew the oats ourselves on our farm here in Beaverdam. Avena Sativa is a soothing nervine that is supportive for folks dealing with stress and anxiety.

Oatstraw is $13.00 a pound and wonderful to add into any tea blend. 

We harvested the yarrow from our family’s field in Hanover when it was about to be bush hogged. So it is wild harvested, but ethically. Achillea Millefolium is a wonderful bitter plant that can be used topically or internally. It is said that Achilles and his soldiers used Yarrow to treat wounds, and that soldiers in the Civil War carried the dried leaves in pouches to apply to wounds as well.

The yarrow is $12.00 a pound. 

Please send us an email to place an order

For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Excited to Join the Mineral Farmer’s Market

​We are excited to announce that we will be vending at the Mineral Farmer’s Market this upcoming season! Saturdays from 8am – 1pm please come out to support us and other vendors!

We will be bringing herbs, plants, teas, salves, balms, cuttingboards, signs, woodcrafts, tinctures, vegan baked goods, and produce from our farm!!

The market is at 81 Louisa Street Mineral, VA

We will be there most, but not all Saturdays.

The Mineral Farmer’s Market Facebook

A Day For Us: Sunday March 12 from 1-4 at the Lakeside Farmer’s Market!

We have been included in the A Day For Us – A Women and Minority Maker’s Market + Awareness Event!!! Which means we have. Lot of work to do between now and next Sunday! Come out from 1-4 to the Lakeside Farmer’s Market to support the Heathen Homestead and tons of other excellent locals!!

Here is the facebook event:

Show up, support, and socialize at: A Day For Us. A Women & Minority Maker’s Market + Awareness Event

SUPPORT: Visit info booths and learn about local causes and organizations with missions to promote equality for all citizens, spread awareness and support minorities and women, and work to end violence toward marginalized groups. Groups will include Richmond Reproductive Freedom Project, VA Pride and more!

SHOP: Forgo shopping at big-box stores and come support small, women (including trans women/women identifying/non-cisgender male) and minority-owned businesses. Expect goods from Studio Two Three, Garnett Jewelry, Mama A’s Bath & Body Products, Dayum This is My Jam, Espresso A Go Go Catering, Maven Made, Holly Sullivan – Prints and Illustration, Caring Cryptid Corps, One Drop Yoga and more!

Please join us at Lakeside Farmers Market on March 12th from 1:00PM until 4:00PM to shop with, support, and learn from women and minorities.

We’ll have locally crafted art, food, and other items for purchase as well as workshops and info about awesome women and minority-owned businesses and causes. Vendors will (voluntarily) donate 15% of proceeds to a local non-profit working toward empowering women and minorities while promoting equality for all.

*Note: If you are a woman/trans woman/identify as a woman or are a non-cisgender male that is a crafter/maker and/or owns a business and you are interested in having a table at this event, please email SPACE IS VERY LIMITED.”

Gaia Women’s Gathering

Just a heads up, Mo will be attending and teaching at the 10th annual Gaia Women’s Gathering this May 5-7 at Camp Albermarle outside of Charlottesville, VA.

There will be many teachers and vendors at this event. 

Mo will be teaching a Know Your Rights workshop and a Prisons, PTSD, and Herbalism workshop.

“For over a decade the Gaia Gathering for Women has been a space where the women of our region can come together to learn, strengthen community connections and be deeply nourished in many ways. Classes in herbalism and holistic living are taught by a fruitful array of gifted teachers witha wide range of topics to support healing and connection. This year we are honored to feature renowned herbalist and author Deb Soule of Avena Botanicals. Deliciously healthy, organic food with gluten free options and the joyful singing and drumming of our Saturday night Beltane celebration are also integral parts of the gathering. Our event is held just north of Charlottesville at the lush and beautiful Camp Albemarle, a retreat space on the banks of the Moorman River. With a bounty of native plants and green space for camping and contemplation the camp continues to be a wonderful setting for the Gathering. We hope joining us will become a spring tradition in your self-care tool kit as it for many of us and we look forward to welcoming you at the gathering!” – from the event page

If you are interested in attending the gathering, please go to the website here:

Also the facebook page for the event is here: