Hanover Herbalism Guild Meeting

​The pre existing Hanover Herbalism Guild, we have found out IS still active, just hard to get in touch with. Their next meeting is this Monday June 19 at 6:30 pm at the Sycamore Tavern in Montpelier and is a potluck dinner. Bring a dish to share and let’s join forces!

We have a Hanover, VA Herbalism Cooperative page on facebook, please join it to hear about and cobtribute your own local herbalism events!!

Excited to Join the Mineral Farmer’s Market

​We are excited to announce that we will be vending at the Mineral Farmer’s Market this upcoming season! Saturdays from 8am – 1pm please come out to support us and other vendors!

We will be bringing herbs, plants, teas, salves, balms, cuttingboards, signs, woodcrafts, tinctures, vegan baked goods, and produce from our farm!!

The market is at 81 Louisa Street Mineral, VA

We will be there most, but not all Saturdays.

The Mineral Farmer’s Market Facebook

Oats planted, more to come

We planted our oats today for our Milky Oats tincture and wholesale milky oats. We also added garden vegetables to our greenhouse and got more pots ready for fledgling plants.

It is hot enough in the greenhouse today that we are leaving the door open and adding windows sooner than we thought we would need to.

What’s Growing On…

With luck and hard work, we will be growing the following medicinal herbs this year:

Fennel, skullcap, lavender, rosemary, yarrow, wood betony, hyssop, catnip, tulsi, sage, lemon balm, nettles, motherwort, marshmallow, burdock, flax, evening primrose, elecampagne, echinacea, chamomile, thyme, valerian, astragalus, red clover, sweet that basil, oregano, basil, cilantro, dill, chocolate mint, spearamint, peppermint and milky oats

Some of these we will be selling as plants to others, so please keep in touch if you are interested in a particular plant. 

Growing season is upon us!!!

Gonna Bee Ready for the Spring!

We put in some work today with the kids helping to spruce up the beehives for the Spring. 

We are looking to get a couple hives worth of bees to start this year. Lost our last hives to wax worms that went unnoticed for too long. We will not be making that mistake again! Always striving to make new mistakes! 

The bee hives had to be scraped out and we also painted the outsides to help protect the wood a little! It was a perfect day for painting outside and letting the kids get some sun and play in!